Turn over a new brief

1/3 of marketing budgets are wasted on bad briefs.
Write stand out briefs, 9x faster with our AI-powered briefing platform.

Imagine a marketing guru sitting on your shoulder. Yeah. It's that.

From startups to Fortune 500s, marketers across the world rely on Briefly to write more effective briefs, faster.

Trusted by marketers at

Sooooo, how does this thing work?

Ke FastDrafts gets you to your first draft in a flash

One press of the tab button generates a standout marketing brief in seconds - built on marketing theory, briefing best practice and thousands of innovative case studies.

im Inspo challenges and inspires your agency

Set the creative and effectiveness bar for your agency partners, with thousands of personalised effectiveness case studies served as you’re writing.

All powered by our
ch Business Intelligence engine

Ensure every brief that leaves the building is aligned to your strategic goals -
with feedback informed by all your key docs, plans and priorities.

Effective briefs? Check.
Compliance? Double checked.


Performance Analytics

Business Intelligence.
For your eyes only.

admin controls



Measurable ROI

Connect to the tools you love

Brilliant work awaits

Find out what you and your team can accomplish with the power of Briefly at your fingertips.